Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 10: The Drowned Giant
This weeks reading choices were interesting, I chose “The Drowned Giant”. As short as this was I really enjoyed this. For just a short story it had details suited to my liking. I loved reading about the interactions of some of the people and the giant. For something so surreal it seemed sort of real to me and the descriptors helped immensely with fitting the words to an mental image of the scene. 
It was depressing though, to slowly read on as the giant was being dismembered piece by piece. It was gruesome to think about when I wished the best for this giant. The main depiction we were given was that of something serene and it was unfortunate to see these people take this apart. I only want happy endings when the subject at hand is rendered “defenseless” in a sense. I think the point was for this to be a sadder look to perceive as well as even something to learn from, and yet whilst knowing this I still wish for a nicer outcome for this giant.

The way that the narrator thought about this giant sounded respectful and I found this to be enjoyable as I had similar thoughts. The ending I found was also respectful. Im not one to read into short stories and while this short story is pushing the short sense it was enjoyable to me in a few ways.

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